Proud To Be

"Proud To Be" is a photographic project created by Riccardo Riande and Sonia Serafini. The intent is to make protagonists 22 Italian guys, aged 20 to 30, who represent the best Italy, they don't give up in front of lack of work, with a future more and more precarious. They are guys that with their ability, will and courage have created or are trying to create their own working stable reality. It's a positive message for a country where the pessimism and negativity are now the masters. We are proud of being young, being Italian and being workers.

Project by: Riccardo Riande & Sonia Serafini
Camera operator: Simone Ruggieri, Daniele Bertero
Mua: Camilla Spalvieri
Thanks to: Tommaso Arnaldi, Davide Arnesano, Chiara Baschieri, Andrea Biasiucci, Jonathan Bone, Giulia De Caris, Alessandro Corsetti, Francesca Romana Curatoli, Giulia Ferrazzani, Jun Ichikawa, Claudia Lanteri, Maris Leonetti, Flavia Macrì, Francesco Maesano, Francesco Masi, Silvia Massacesi, Maddalena Messeri, Giulia Parmigiani, Emanuela Perinetti, Davide Picistrelli, Carolina Reale, Maria Silvia Sanna, Luca Vecchi, Dodo Versino, Giulia Villoresi

The project wil be presented in the Fabrique Du Cinema's party on June 24th 2015.
Location: Rome - Eutropia (Lungotevere Testaccio), from 19:30 to 1:00

Riccardo Riande

Photographer, videomaker based in Rome

Animal Hearts